Station 11: Matter of the heart!

Jesus says:

“He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect”

(Matthew 5, 45-48).

Ansgar was passionately committed to his cause, with all his strength and all his means: the change of faith to Christianity and the founding of churches in the north. In following Christ, he wanted to be "an eye to the blind, a foot to the lame and a true father to the poor", as Rimbert writes. Ansgar also obtained permission for his missionary work through the casting of lots by the old gods and through votes at Thing assemblies.

What does your heart beat for?

"What you set your heart on and what you rely on is really your God” (Martin Luther).

You see the cathedral of Schleswig in the distance – a place that is important to many, even sacred to some.

What is important to you, perhaps even sacred? What is strange to you that is sacred or at least important to others?

What do you orientate yourself towards?

What shows you your longing? Where can you satisfy it?