Station 7: At the end!
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded
(Hebrews 10,35).
Ansgar's path seemed to have come to an end several times. On the sea route to Sweden he was attacked with his companions, lost 40 valuable books and gifts for the king – and continued on foot to Birka.
And in 845, Ansgar only just managed to save himself when Danish Vikings plundered what is now Hamburg – and started all over again in Bremen.
Dead end?! What do you want a new path or way out for?
How do you feel – here, at the end? Are you "at the end"?
Are you satisfied, restless, arrived, alone, disappointed or happy?
Jesus says: "I am the beginning and the end".
Everything can be – God wants to make you whole. He holds you.
Set out today with hope.
Wherever you go, go with certainty.
Hope is already a reality with every step you take.
Stop and raise your arms to heaven.
Put a smile on your lips.
See – it is already there!
Fill every step you take with the courage of hope!